

We protect the environment in our business, prevent its pollution, and attach importance to its protection by reducing our negative impacts on the environment.

  • We comply with legal regulations and try to reduce our environmental impact.
  • We take care to effectively separate our waste according to its source, groups and hazard classes.
  • We know that using hazardous substances and chemicals only when needed and as much as necessary will reduce both their negative impacts on the environment and the amount of waste.
  • We try to contribute to the protection of nature by choosing the materials we receive from our business with “recycling” and “environmentally friendly” labels and create reuse opportunities.
  • We take care to use disposable materials such as paper, napkins, toilet paper and packaging as much as necessary and leave less waste in nature,
  • We store waste in separate areas according to their characteristics correctly, deliver them to licensed/authorized companies without exceeding the legal storage period limits and keep their records.
  • We try to use water, energy and all natural resources economically. We share this sensitivity with our employees, guests and suppliers.
  • We measure our performance in environmental management, monitor this data with targets and try to improve our performance.
  • We aim to educate our employees about the environment and increase their sensitivity.

We use our energy efficiently to protect our world from potential dangers and set targets to reduce our energy consumption.

  • We follow national and international standards, laws and regulations in order to fulfill both our responsibilities towards nature and our legal obligations, voluntarily carry out studies that will reduce energy use and/or continuously improve our energy consumption performance, and follow the results of our studies.
  • We set targets and include energy efficiency in our training programs in order to ensure the participation of our employees.
  • We value collaborating with all our stakeholders to create common goals and results in energy management. We try to continue our interaction with our guests, employees, visitors and all our business partners in order to reach a total awareness and consciousness level on these issues.
  • We try to research, find, purchase and use energy efficient suitable products, equipment, fittings and technology alternatives.


  • Electricity consumption per person: more than 13 kWh per year
  • Water consumption per person: more than 0.20 cubic meters per year
  • Consumption per person: less than 5.8 cubic meters per year.
  • Packaging waste per person: more than 0.12 kg per year
  • Waste oil amount per person: less than 0.04.

As Silk Road Museum Hotel, we undertake to reduce the energy spent and the waste generated by the targeted values.

Tokat, Turkey

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